To present the most accurate representation of color accuracy of all files ingested into globaledit, all JPG Previews are converted, should they not match, to the sRGB color space, the universally supported color profile across all web systems. The Original Asset maintains the original embedded color space.
How the JPG Preview is converted
When an asset is uploaded to globaledit in a color profile other than sRGB, such as a TIFF file in Adobe RGB (1998), a copy of the file with the original color profile is committed to memory and the information contained in that color profile is mapped to its counterpart in the sRGB color space. This file is then taken out of memory and written as a JPG for each of the previews available on the platform.
How to maximize color accuracy
Convert your original source files to the sRGB IEC61966-2.1 color space and embed the sRGB profile before uploading them to globaledit.
Important to Remember
Source files retain all original information. When you download a file, the original color profile will also stay intact, regardless of what color profile it was converted to via globaledit or what the JPG Preview looks like.
Your own personal computer monitor, iPhone or iPad screen, as well as environmental lighting situation also plays a factor in the way in which you see color, and can vary between devices running globaledit.
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