The Markup Editor can be used to provide collaborative and specific feedback for Retouching teams. Draw detailed notes so your team knows exactly which areas of an image need retouching and note what needs to be done on the layer of an asset.
Adding Markups to an Asset
- Double click on an asset to enter 1-up View, then click on the icon in the tool bar
- Create a new markup layer by selecting a markup tool from the tool panel then applying the markup onto the asset - a new markup layer will automatically create within the markup layer panel.
- Enter a title for your markup layer, @ mention a user (optional), then click Save
- Set a status for the markup layer by clicking then selecting a status option
- The Reply button can be utilized by your team to correspond on a specific markup comment layer field or to add more detailed descriptions to Markup layers
- You can remove your latest markup by pressing Delete or the Trash Can icon in the lower left of the markup layer field. Then click the Delete button on the Delete Markup prompt to confirm the action.
- Remove individual markups at any time by using the Arrow tool to select the specific markup and pressing Delete
- Markups do not affect the original asset or jpg preview but will be visible in the Markup Editor.
Viewing Markups
To view Markups made by yourself or other users, click the icon located in the 1-Up View tool bar.
To see which layer a markup is associated with, click on the specific comment layer. The associated visual markups will be highlighted on the asset while other visual markups disappear.
Tool Panel
Move: (V) Used to select specific markups, move or resize
Brush: (B) Add a drawing to an image to highlight certain areas
Arrow: (A) Point to a specific spot in an image to make sure you are
Ellipse: (O) Draw an ellipse shape
Rectangle: (R) Rectangle; free form or preset ratios
Line: (L) Draw a line(s)
Text: (T) Add a text layer to an asset
Palette: Select a color for your text or markups. Color can be used to quickly specify a type of markup, a certain user's markups or an type of retouching that is needed
Weight: Adjust the stroke weight of your markups, either before or after applying
Text Options: Adjust the size, color and style of your text markup
Reference all Keyboard Shortcuts in-app by clicking the Question Mark in the upper left corner.
Layer Panel
The Markup Layers panel can be used to edit, delete, and set status of the individual markup layers.
Select the Edit icon to edit the comment layer's text:
Set a Status on a markup layer:
Filter on the Status or Sort your Markup layers by using the icons at the top of the layer panel:
Click Reply to add a comment, @mention a user or provide up to 500 characters of detail:
Video Markups
Markups on Video assets are placed within its timeline as timestamped comments and visual drawings. All markups on the video asset will display as markup layers in the left panel with links to the timestamp of each.
Creating a video markup
Access the Markup Editor by selecting the icon within the 1up tool bar.
Select at the bottom of the comment layer panel while a video is playing or paused, write your comment in the dialogue box.
The Comment Layer can include:
@ mentioning another user or user group
Markup Status [No Status, To Do, In Progress, Finished, Rejected, Unclear]
Next, add a visual markup to the video frame by using the markup tool panel located on the left side of the page, then select Save.
Once a markup comment has been created and saved, an icon will appear on the timeline to represent it. The icon will appear with the profile initial of the user who created it along with a colored outline representing the markup status.
Markup Comment Layers can be deleted only by their creators by selecting the trash icon on the comment layer.
Once selected, click Delete within the prompt box to finalize. This action will also delete the visual markups the layer is associated with.
Downloading Markups
Markups can be downloaded as PDFs when choosing the download options of an asset or group of assets. The associated PDF will be included in the zipped download package.
Markup layers can also be downloaded directly as Photoshop layers by using the globaledit Adobe Photoshop Plugin
Please note that Video Markups are viewed in browser and cannot be downloaded.
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Phone: (888) 433-4801
Hours: Monday - Friday 9AM to 9PM Eastern Standard Time
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