There are two relevant sections of the platform to consider when assigning user permissions: Workspaces and Collections. Permissions are applied via a Role when inviting a new or existing user to an area in your Library, and there are a few things to keep in mind when determining where and what kind of access to grant users.
Inviting New and Existing Users to a Workspace or Collection:
Select a Workspace or Collection you’d like to add a user to, then click the Share Hub button at the top right of the window:
Next, click Invite to Workspace
Enter the user(s) email in the Add Users field, or select it from the existing users list that appears once you begin typing. You can add multiple users at once if they are to be assigned the same role.
Assigning Roles & Permissions:
Select Role to the right of Add Users, then select the desired Role from the dropdown:
By default, Workspace Admin will be the only available Role until custom Workspace Roles are created.
Managing User Roles & Permissions:
The Avatars next to the Invite button display users who have access to the Workspace or Collection:
Clicking one of the Avatars next to Invite will bring up a window detailing all users who have access to the workspace, along with when they last accessed it:
As an Admin, you can edit a users Workspace Role and access altogether by selecting Admin at the top of the screen, then Users in the left panel:
Select the Role dropdown next to a user, then select a new Role- the new role will apply to all current workspaces they have access to:
To remove the users access to a Workspace(s), select the three dots next to their Role listing on the right, then View Access from the dropdown:
Select the downward arrow next to Access to [#] Workspaces, then Remove:
As a Collection Owner, click on one of the Avatars next to the Invite button to bring up the Members window:
Click on the Role dropdown next to the User you’d like to manage, then select a new role from the dropdown:
Select the Remove option to remove the user from the Collection. Select Update to confirm changes, or the X at the top right of the window to cancel.
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